Sunday June 2nd, 2024
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Egypt Resumes Exports of Arabian Horses to Jordan After 8-Year Ban is Lifted

Deputy Minister for Animal Resources is confident that Egypt will turn into the largest hub in the world for the investment in Arabian horses.

Staff Writer

Egypt Resumes Exports of Arabian Horses to Jordan After 8-Year Ban is Lifted

You heard it from the horse’s mouth – Egypt has begun to export Arabian horses to Jordan once again following an eight-year ban according to Deputy Minister for Animal Resources and Fisheries and Poultry Dr. Mona Mehrez.

The minister confirmed that 6 Arabian horses headed to Jordan on Thursday, through the port of Nuweiba, following the lift on the ban on September 6th.  

Several months ago, the ban on Egypt’s export of horses was also lifted by the European Union, after the General Authority for Veterinary Services “adopted several measures to meet the EU conditions to lift the ban, including strict supervision and monitoring”, according to a report by the general authority for Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.

The conditions met include “banning the transfer of horses from the south to the north, registering and numbering horses, issuing veterinary certificates for export and carrying out serological surveys on horses in Egypt in coordination with the Armed Forces.”

Dr. Mehrez is confident that these procedures will turn Egypt into the largest international hub for the investment in Arabian horses. Following the lift on the ban, Egypt exported 40 Arabian horses to the EU in May this year. 

Egypt is renowned for its high-quality horse farms, breeding five different strains of Arabian horses, including Keheilan, Seglawi, Abeyan, Hamdani and Habdan.
